How learning python helps to visualize pandemic projections

 In this hectic world, people will not survive easier without the help of advanced technology. You can easily complete your work without facing any difficulties with the help of technology. In recent days, people are struggling with the spread of disease, and the risk factor is increasing day by day. It is a very challenging part to handle the data, but you can easily get to know the data with the help of learning python. The python certification will help to analyze how to create two visualizations of the spread of a virus across the globe.

You can easily get to know the updates within a minute with the help of the technology. You can get multiple job opportunities after receiving the python certification.

When you're dealing with vast quantities of raw data, it's difficult to know where to begin. But, the more you make it, the more trends appear. Here's an example of a typical scenario using COVID-19 data

  • From GitHub, download COVID-19 country spread daily data as a Pandas data frame piece. The Python Pandas library is needed for this.

  • Prepare the downloaded data for visualization by cleaning and processing it. The data that was downloaded, as you can see, is in excellent shape. One issue with this data is that it uses country names rather than three-digit ISO 3 codes, which is preferable. After you have created these codes, you can add them to your website.

  • Finally, use the express module of the Plotly library for visualization.

Step 1: corona data 

You need to download the latest corona date form, and you can load the data directly into a pandas data frame. After that, you can see that the output along with these things you can also see the following such as,

  • Date

  • Country

  • Confirmed

  • Recovered

  • Dead

Now you can clearly see the date and the information that you want exactly. This database will be updated today so you can easily get the current values.

Step 2: cleaning and modifying the data frame

You can easily handle the big collection of data by learning an online python course. The next step is that you should clean the data frame and modify the changes according to it, which has the three-letter ISO alpha- 3 codes.

Step 3: visualizing the spread using Plotly

A choropleth map is nothing but that map composed of coloured polygons. It mainly used to represent spatial variations of a quantity. Anyone can easily get to know the current update with the help of learning python.

The bottom line 

Anyone can easily learn python when you show a real interest when learning it. Now you can get to know how learning python will help to visualize the pandemic projections.


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